Disney’s upcoming live-action adaptation of “Snow White” is set to hit theaters on March 21, 2025. Directed by Marc Webb and featuring a screenplay by Greta Gerwig and Erin Cressida Wilson, this film reimagines the classic 1937 animated movie “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” which itself is based on the 1812 fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Disney has released a teaser trailer that gives a glimpse into the magical world of Snow White.
The trailer showcases the stunning visuals and the enchanting music that fans can expect from this live-action adaptation.
Cast and Characters
- Rachel Zegler as Snow White
- Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen
- Andrew Burnap as Jonathan
- Ansu Kabia as the Huntsman
- Martin Klebba as Grumpy
The film stars Rachel Zegler as Snow White and Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen. Other notable cast members include Andrew Burnap as Jonathan, Ansu Kabia as the Huntsman, and Martin Klebba as Grumpy. The movie promises to bring a fresh perspective to the beloved characters while staying true to the essence of the original story.
Production and Music
Filming took place primarily at Pinewood Studios in England from March to July 2022, with additional filming and pick-ups in June 2024. The film will feature original songs by Larry Morey and Frank Churchill, as well as new songs by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul1.
Controversies and Changes
The film has faced some pre-release controversies, including criticism over Rachel Zegler’s public disapproval of the original film, story changes, and the casting choices. Despite these challenges, the anticipation for the movie remains high.
“Snow White” (2025) aims to capture the magic of the original while introducing new elements to appeal to modern audiences. With a talented cast and crew, this film is poised to be a significant addition to Disney’s lineup of live-action remakes.